Selected Articles

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A Study of the Relationship between Personal Values and Moral Reasoning of Undergraduate Business Students.

Norman King and Jane Ripley. “Music, Meaning, and Wellness.” The Canadian MusicTeacher, September 2015 and January 2016.
This article is based on our presentation at the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Association, (CFMTA)Vancouver BC, July 9, 2015. We explore how music is at once a giftthat reaches to our inner self and a call to live from that authentic core. The challenge is to bring that same spirit to teaching and to society, and thereby become a healing and life-giving presence in today’s world.

Norman King and Jane Ripley. “The Music Lesson … The Lesson of Music.” CK Child, Fall 2013.
Through the gift of music, we may support and encourage our children to find and live out of their true selves, to develop imagination, wonder, creativity, and to awaken to the world around them with greater sensitivity and compassion.

Norman King and Jane Ripley. “Spirituality and Vocal Music: An Exploratory Perspective.” Sharing the Voices: The Phenomenon of Siinging V. Proceedings of the International Symposium. St. John’s NL. 2010.
Spirituality may be understood as the vision, values, and support system that gives meaning to a person’s life, that is, a sense of identity and worth, belonging and purpose. An essential dimension of this quest is the experience of beauty. One expression of beauty is vocal music, which may be a window to and from the sacred core of life; what T. S. Eliot calls, the still point of the turning world.

Norman King. “Spirituality and Human Worth: An Exploratory Perspective.” Journal of Integrative Studies, vols. 7-8, 2003.
This article explores a non-religious basis for a sense of meaning to one’s life and for human rights and corresponding responsibilities. These are rooted in the dignity or value of the human person, such as found in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The article suggest a foundation for ethics that can be affirmed by persons of various backgrounds and traditions.

Norman King and Maureen Muldoon. “A Spirituality for the Long Haul: Response to Chronic Illness.” Journal of Religion and Health, Vol. 30, no. 2, 1991.
This article outline a spirituality appropriate for those whose lives are affected by chronic injury or illness. An emergent spirituality of the whole person acknowledges the basic dignity of every person, their drive to growth and wholeness, and the special assistance in this regard required for those suffering from chronic health issues.

Norman King and Maureen Muldoon. “Spirituality, Health, Care, and Bioethics.” Journal of Religion and Health, Vol. 34, no. 4, 1995.
This paper draws upon life situations and narrative ethics in order to articulate connections between the discipline of bioethics and decision-making in the area of health care.

Lan, G., Gowing, M., McMahon, S., Rieger, F and N. King, A Study of the Relationship between Personal Values and Moral Reasoning of Undergraduate Business Students. Journal of Business Ethics. 2006.
This empirical study indicates what values are important to senior accounting students and their level of moral reasoning, and provides important information to educational institutions and businesses.

Norman King. “Thomas Merton” in Non-Violence – Central to Christian Spirituality, J. T. Culliton (ed), Toronto: Edwin Mellen Press, 1982.
This study provides an overview of Thomas Merton’s understanding of spirituality as blending inseparably personal depth and social justice, both of which for non-violence in attitude and action.